Expressive Art Room

Counselling Session Room

Resume Writing Skills

Job Interview


Student Career Profiling (SCP)

The test is conducted every semester to all new intake students as a way to outreach and giving effective career counseling/ consultation at early journey of their study.

SCP gives overall ideas on one’s career development which covers the areas of personality and career interest. Profiling being made for career self-exploration and consultation is provided for better career planning. The overall results are then will be presented to respective kulliyyah for their future projection.


Career Group Counselling : Career Decision Making Group (CDMG)

This group will be focusing on the career decision making among students who are still unsure about their future career. Just knowing that one’s problems are not unique and having the feeling of togetherness can help students to feel more at ease about their life challenges. This is one of the reasons that we decided to conduct a group career counseling program at Counseling and Career Services Centre. International Islamic University Malaysia.


  1. To ensure individual group members gain knowledge, skills and strategies, connection with peers, identifying with the issue, and a sense of belonging.
  2. To identify their potentials and whether they are able to meet the job requirements (skills).
  3. To provide and opportunity for students to begin evaluation their career values and transferable skills and how to translate those into criteria for a future career.
  4. To assist the students to have a better understanding of career options, thus enabling them to make better decisions about their future careers.
  5. To provide students with an opportunity to experience the real setting of their preferred working place.
  6. To open new perspectives about current job market, current technologies, and latest issues.


Career Structured Programmes

Snoezelen Room

Psychotherapy & Counselling session

Generally refer to a form of psychological treatment where supervisor/staff meets on work on their issue with the help of a professional counsellor. 






Training & Workshop

Conducting training on-site or by online for managers/supervisors and staff/ employees. The primary objective for training to manager/supervisors is to help the dealing with employee issues. For staff/ employees it is to increase productivity, development and cope with stress.


Care line

Involve the use of telecommunication and virtual technology to deliver mental care outside the counselling room where the client can make a call throughout the office hour. It aims to provide a brief coping and support in a direct and therapeutic way.


Mentoring Program

The purpose of the mentoring program is to open the door of opportunity for mentor to share their expertise and professional experience and for mentee to gain knowledge, develop skills and competencies. This programme focuses to help staff with continuous learning, increase competencies and to improve image in the organization as accordance with the Public Service’s Basic Mentoring Program by The Public Service Department (JPA) which had been implemented since 2008.


Employee Assistance Program (EAPs)

Employee Assistance Program works as workplace mechanisms designed to identify and aid employees who need professional intervention and assistance with problems that frequently impede their job performance and execution. EAP counsellors work with the identification, clarification and prioritization of the problems with recommendations on how to resolve it.