IIUM rings with him anywhere, everywhere..... if we stay true to its Philosophy, Vision and Mission. He is no more with us BUT, HIS MESSAGE LIVES ON... AND MUST LIVE ON I know he is no longer but his message IS. Hence in this way, he will always be with us in our hearts, in our attitudes and in our practices... May Allah elevate him to be with Anbiya', shuhada' and those closest to HIM, aameen

Dr. Nur Jannah Hassan Head of Scholars Channel (Qanāt al-Mashāyikh), Office for Islamisation, Integration and Relevantisation (OFIIR), CENTRIS, IIUM

Mohd. Kamal Hassan was a renowned Muslim scholar in the Islamic world, former Rector of the International Islamic University, Malaysia, a major supporter of the Islamization of Knowledge movement. He dedicated his whole life to education and Islamization of Knowledge.He developed the working papers for both, the establishment of the International Islamic University, Malaysia in 1983 and the establishment of the Kulliyyah of Islamic Sciences and Humanities in 1989.In 1998 he was appointed Rector of the International Islamic University, Malaysia. He expanded and included the Islamization of human knowledge as its mission in the university's documents, in particular, in its Constitution. According to Kamal Hassan, Islamization of Human Knowledge [IOHK] is the soul of IIUM, without it IIUM will have no meaning and significance. إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون، اللهم اغفرله وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه


Our beloved Prof Kamal Hassan left behind with huge sadaqah jariyah. Thousands of students and thousands of inspired scholars are proud to have met him, studied under him, worked under his leadership, and participated in his wisdom filled lectures. May Almighty Allah forgive all his shortcomings, accept all his life-long murabbi efforts and place him at the highest level of jannah.

Dr. FARid ALi al-Fijawi Assistant Professor · Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh · International Islamic University Malaysia

Last meeting with Prof. Kamal Hassan infront of SHAS Mosque, IIUM Gombak. May Almighty be pleased with him, forgive all his shortcomings and grant him jannatul-firdaos. Ameen إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

Dr Yunus Olatoke Assistant Professor · Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh · International Islamic University Malaysia

A brilliant mind, now laid to rest,
A scholar of knowledge, truly the best,
With wisdom that shone like a beacon bright,
He guided us all towards the path of light.
But now he's gone, forever more,
Leaving us broken, our hearts so sore,
We mourn the loss of this extraordinary man,
Whose knowledge and wisdom no one else can.
He taught us to reach for the stars,
To explore the world and go beyond bars,
He instilled in us a love for learning,
And inspired us all with his yearning.
But now he's gone, we're left alone,
His wisdom and guidance forever gone,
Our hearts are heavy, our tears will flow,
As we bid farewell to this great soul.
Rest in peace, dear scholar of ours,
Your memory will live on forever,
And though you've left us with a heavy heart,
Your legacy will continue on forever.
Innalillahi wainna ilahi rojiun

Innalillahi wainna ilahi rojiun
Jazakallah khairan kathira… dear Prof Kamal… for the knowledge, the love, the kindness, the wisdom and everything that you have imparted to us.
The precious and beautiful memories of you will forever be in our hearts.
Semoga Prof tenang dan berbahagia di Taman Syurga di sana
May Allah swt place you in the highest of heaven in Jannatul Firdaus..
We will miss you greatly Prof..
IIUM will never be the same without you.
Farewell for now Prof.. and may we meet again in our eternal life

Faizah Idros Former our tennis Team manager

Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Mohd Kamal Hassan was an intellectual with impeccable credentials. He was known for his academic excellence and leadership. A giant among men. His demise on Thursday morning due to complications related to recent surgical procedures was a big loss to the nation. But his legacy will live on. I have read almost all of his books. However, The Malay Concept of Sejahtera from an Islamic Perspective has had a profound effect on me. I found it interesting for a scholar to “appropriate” what seemed to be a simple Malay concept of sejahtera (literally wellbeing, prosperity) from an Islamic perspective. In Islam, the idea of inner tranquillity or wellbeing, of joy and happiness, of success or triumph, all of which should be of enduring positive impact on their lives, is from his reading, in consonance with the concept of sejahtera in the Malay language. The concept according to him applies to various dimensions of life: physical, ecological, psychological, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, economic, political, governance, educational, social, cultural and religious. He was nearing 80 when he wrote Corruption and Hypocrisy in Malay Muslim Politics: The Urgency of Moral-Ethical Transformation. Reading the book I found one particular part that affected me immensely. He wrote, “As an old man who is appalled and disgusted with the corrupt politics of his ethnic group, this book is my intellectual wasiat (testament) to the younger generation of the educated elites of the Muslim community in Malaysia – the future leaders of the ummah.” The book will define his true scholarship and intellectual audacity. He set the agenda very early in the book, that he was dismayed and shamed by two major crises facing the nation: the deplorable moral decay in the area of politics and governance of the nation and the widening internal rift within the Malay-Muslim community since the last five years. It is a no holds barred book. He wrote frankly and freely. He was like a man obsessed to put forth his argument and to help chart a path for corrections. He spoke about “the advanced state of moral-ethical decadence” and the urgent transformation needed to address that. He knew he had nothing to lose. He was a scholar and he had to appease no one. He believed it was his moral obligation to talk about corruption which he termed a “phenomenon.” He opined that the state of corruption and hypocrisy in Malay-Muslim behaviour and culture is symptomatic of the inner crisis of the leaders and followers of political parties. He wrote about the moral decay as a consequence of among other things, the impact of materialistic modernisation, the pragmatism of political parties, and the materialistic and egoistic character of key political leaders. He also listed the lack of proper and moral-ethical education in political parties and the impact of the secularised democratic political system as the reasons. One critical element that most reviewers missed was the bit about the fear of non-Muslim political dominance. Little wonder he was concerned about “the agenda of national integrity” being trampled upon under “the boots of ugly ethno-religious polarisation”. According to him, racially-motivated political strategies and ethnic-based prejudices are real threats to this country. He expected Malay-Muslim politicians to follow the tenets of Islam. Islam is against corruption and abuse of power. “Muslims are not supposed to lie,” he said in the interview with me for Sinar Harian in February last year. “Yet it looks like it is stupid of them not to,” he added. He reiterated the need for this country to be run by “selfless, sincere, competent, tolerant and humble leaders of high integrity, with god-fearing character”. Is that too tall an order? Johan Jaaffar is a journalist, editor and for some years chairman of a media company, and is passionate about all things literature and the arts. The views expressed here are entirely his own.


Prof Kamal Hassan dalam kenangan PEMERGIAN Profesor Emeritus (Ulung) Tan Sri Dr Muhammad Kamal Hassan pada 23 Februari 2023 baru-baru ini merupakan kehilangan besar kepada dunia intelektual Islam. Beliau bukan sahaja seorang tokoh intelektual Melayu Islam yang luar biasa ilmunya, tetapi juga tokoh intelektual yang sangat mulia akhlaknya.Saya pertama kali kenal nama beliau pada awal 1980-han melalui tulisannya berkaitan Sains Sosial Islam. Dekan saya yang memperkenalkan tulisan tersebut. Walaupun beraliran kiri, Dekan saya itu menjadi berminat dengan keberadaan Islam yang dihuraikan dalam tulisan tersebut. Beliau mencadangkan tulisan itu dijadikan rujukan pelajar-pelajar kursus Asas-Asas Pembangunan Islam yang saja ajar. Pada pandangan saya, Dekan saya itu tertarik dengan tulisan tersebut kerana bahasa dan cara penghujahannya. Latarbelakang akademik Profesor Muhammad Kamal ialah Pengajian Islam, tetapi tulisan dan hujah-hujahnya menggunakan bahasa Sains Sosial yang merentasi ideologi kapitalistik dan sosialistik, secara logik, analitikal dan kritikal, bukan secara berkhutbah. Dengan cara inilah, pada pandangan saya, Profesor Muhammad Kamal berjaya mengangkat imej dan darjat Pengajian Islam, sehingga menarik intelektual daripada pelbagai bidang, termasuk Dekan saya dan saya sendiri daripada bidang Pengajian Pembangunan. Bahasa dan kaedah penghujahan seperti Professor Muhammad Kamal ini membolehkan sebuah tulisan saya berkaitan Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam diterima diterbitkan oleh sebuah jurnal beraliran kiri, sehingga kumpulan intelektual kiri yang mendokong jurnal tersebut mengundang saya membentangkan pemikiran pembangunan berteraskan Islam di sebuah seminar mereka. Tetapi barangkali kerana saya terlalu muda ketika itu dan masih belum cukup ilmu untuk berdepan dengan kumpulan kiri tersebut, Profesor Muhammad Kamal menasihat saya agar tidak menerima undangan mereka. Saya juga menyedari akan implikasi negatif terhadap Islam dalam pandangan kumpulan kiri itu jika saya tidak dapat menjawab persoalan-persoalan mereka dengan baik.

Muhammad Shukri Salleh The author is an Honorary Professor at the Center for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.

Innaa lillaahi wa iñnaa layhi raajiuun This is sad news, but this is how the world is May Allah shower his blessings on him, indeedhe was a great scholar and his scholarly contribution is enormous.

From Dr. Abdalla Mohamed Abu Bakr, IRKH, IIUM, 1985-1995. Head of Scholars Channel (Qanāt al-Mashāyikh), Office for Islamisation, Integration and Relevantisation (OFIIR), CENTRIS, IIUM

Of debating and nurturing global Muslims: Remembering Kamal Hassan Access here for full article:

By Danial Rahman Head of Scholars Channel (Qanāt al-Mashāyikh), Office for Islamisation, Integration and Relevantisation (OFIIR), CENTRIS, IIUM

Moga Allah mengampuni dosa, merahmati dan membalas semua jasa Prof Kamal dengan kebaikan yang abadi.

Jamal Rahman
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