IIUM Centre for Measurement, Evaluation, and Testing

Certificate Classification

Classification Description
Able to demonstrate knowledge and skills that meet the basic functional competencies under appropriate supervision. Members certified in this category may progress to Intermediate and Competent Level.
Members at this level demonstrate a moderate level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in an assessment that meet the intermediate functional competency requirements, embedded with Islamic values; they may take a few additional courses to progress to the Competent Level.
Members at this level completely meet the MPPI’s Standards of Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment carry substantial amount of decision-making autonomy in assessment practice; they may engage in additional core competencies activities to progress to Advanced Level.
Members at this level can evaluate, use assessment knowledge, integrate, manage, solve problems in new, complex, and multi-disciplinary matters, by taking into consideration the social, emotional, ethical, and spiritual responsibilities.
Able to solve assessment related problems and create innovative knowledge and applications in work environments that underpinned with high levels of ambiguity, complexity and uncertainty using extensive knowledge, skills and ability which rests on research and experience.