Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD)
We are delighted to announce and congratulate Mdm. Noor Haimiakhtar Bt. Dato’ Abu Bakar for being appointed as a new Director of IFLA effective 1st November 2023. On this occasion too, we would also like to express our heartiest appreciation to Mr. Mohd. Senu Bin Awang the former Director, IFLA for his services, contributions, and commitments throughout his tenure at
Please click the link below for more information on the examination: APPLICATION FORMS (24th Nov 2023 – 5th Dec 2023): EPT: https://bit.ly/EPTPUBLICDEC2023 APT: https://bit.ly/APTPUBLICDEC2023 REFERENCES: EPT Guidelines and Sample APT format & sample
Assalamua’laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. YBhg. Tan Sri / Dato’ / Prof. / Dr. / Tuan / Puan / Br. / Sr., Dengan hormatnya dimaklumkan bahawa mengikut arahan YAB Perdana Menteri No. 1 Tahun 2018, Siri 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021 berkenaan Pemantapan Tadbir Urus, Integriti Dan Antirasuah Dalam Pengurusan Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia: Pelaksanaan Sistem Pengurusan Amalan
You may have already heard about the English language upskilling programme offered jointly by IIUM, KPT-PACE and the British Council. Click this link to register: https://forms.office.com/r/DzxYw0GNwp. The deadline for registration is on the 24th October 2023. Kindly peruse the programme schedule before you register. We’re on the lookout for dedicated students keen on honing their
Centre for Language and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD) VACANT POSITION: PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Assalamualaikum Wrt. Wbt., Dynamic Malaysian candidates are welcome to apply for the position of Part-Time Administrative Assistant at the CELPAD, IIUM KUANTAN CAMPUS. Details are as follows: i.Status : Part Time (6 hours/day)ii.Wages : RM 6 per hour (not more than 134
We would like to welcome Ms. Salina Sai-dul Haj, Senior Assistant Director to CELPAD effective 9th October 2023. Let your tenure be successful and rewarding.