Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD)

Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD)


Assalamualaikum Dearest Brothers & Sisters, Ramadan is the month of giving. It’s the most blessed month to give Sadaqah… DUIT RAYA COLLECTION20th – 24th April 2022———————————- Orphans & Old Folks in Kompleks Penyayang Bakti Sg Buloh CELPAD COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT in collaboration with IMPACT &  Phsycology Services Unit humbly seek your participation  in this Duit Raya Collection  program. Help us share the

CELPAD Research Unit Series #12: Memperelokkan Suara dalam Pembacaan Al-Quran: Satu Tuntutan atau Suka-suka?

Assalamualaikum wrt. CELPAD Research Unit of IIUM cordially invites you to our twelfth webinar series scheduled as follows;  Speaker: Ustaz Abdul Khair bin Jalil Topic: Memperelokkan Suara dalam Pembacaan Al-Quran: Satu tuntutan atau suka-suka? Day and time: Wednesday; April 20th, 2022 (12 noon) Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr. Engku Haliza Engku Ibrahim  This session will

TDU Forum: Methods of Teaching Arabic Writing Skill for Advanced Level

INVITATION TO ATTEND TDU FORUM SESSION Topic: METHODS OF TEACHING ARABIC WRITING SKILL FORADVANCED LEVEL ( طرق تعليم مهارة الكتابة لطلاب المستوى المتقدم) The Teacher Development Unit (TDU), in collaboration with New PRSS Courses (Level 3 & Level 4), Quranic Language Division (QLD), CELPAD, IIUM, would like to invite you to the TDU Forum Session. The

EDUCALL e-Training Series: SharePoint

Assalamualaikum & Greetings to all CELPAD teachers, You are kindly invited to join EDUCALL/IT unit e-training series on SharePoint Details of the programme are as follows:Topic:EDUCALL/IT unit e-Training Series: SharePoint Date/ Day: 8 April 2022/ Friday Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm Trainers: Sr. Hasnor Eilina Hassim & Sr. Raja Munirah Raja Sulaiman Platform: MS Teams (Click here

The Light of Al-Kahfi in CELPAD Sejahtera Garden

The Islamization of Human Knowledge (IOHK) unit, CELPAD will be organizing a monthly Surah al-Kahfi recitation.  The event will take place physically in CELPAD Sejahtera Garden and CELPAD Foyer in front of TEMU Office, on the first Friday of every month. The objective of the programme is to internalise one of the sunnahs of our holy prophet

CELPAD Webinar Unit Series No. 15: Pengurusan Majlis

IIUM CELPAD WEBINAR SERIES #15 Dear IIUM Community, Centre for Languages and Pre-university Academic Development (CELPAD), in collaboration with the Office of the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement) is pleased to present to you our webinar series #15. We would like to cordially invite the IIUM Community to the event as follows:  TOPIC: PENGURUSAN

CELPAD Research Unit Webinar Series No. 10: Everyone Can Write

Assalamualaikum wrt. CELPAD Research Unit of IIUM cordially invites you to our tenth webinar series scheduled as follows;  Speaker: Dr. Mohd. Puzhi bin UsopTopic: Everyone can WriteDay and time: Wednesday; February 23rd, 2022 (10:30 AM) Moderator:Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr. Engku Haliza Engku Ibrahim  Join us live on YouTube:  Or through zoom: https://www.youtube.com/embed/9hRFCxzQ4tY Attendance to the webinar