Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD)

Centre for Languages and Pre-University Academic Development (CELPAD)


Assalamualaikum & good day everyone,
Giving has always been the best way to please the Almighty and to show kindness.
Hence, we humbly seek your sincere contributions towards this programme :
 MADANI LEADERSHIP 1.0 ‘Nurturing leaders for a sustainable tomorrow: Be the khalifah of change’


Our aim is to conduct a leadership programme specifically tailored for the residents of Sekolah Tunas Bakti Sungai Besi.

  • 8 & 9 June 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Sekolah Tunas Bakti Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur & Masjid Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, IIUM Gombak

Help us to empower these young individuals to emerge as leaders within their communities, equipped with sufficient Islamic knowledge.
Your generosity will help us make this programme a reality. Help us to meet the target collection of RM 15,000
For cash contribution, please transfer to:

  • 14070000004716 (Bank Muamalat)
  • UIAM Operating Account
  • Reference: Madani 1.0
  • Collection period: 25 April – 17 May 2024

Please send a copy of transaction slip to sr. Mona (http://wasap.my/60193646268))/ sr.Arlina (http://wasap.my/60123285483)

For any inquiries please contact : 012-3285483 (Sr. Arlina Zura binti Zuber) 019 3646268 (Sis Mona Mazlinda)
We thank you in advance and may you be rewarded abundantly for your generosity.