Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
All CELPAD Staff
Dear Prof./ Assoc, Prof. / Dr./ Sir/ Madam/Br./Sr.
May this email find you in the best of health and highest Islamic esteem, by the grace and mercy of Allah SWT.
We are pleased to inform you that the Bahasa Melayu Division of CELPAD is organizing the Sulur Kasih Ramadan Programme in conjunction with the IIUM Community Day. The details of the event are as follows:
Day/Date: Friday, 7th April 2023
Time: 8:15 am – 3:30 pm
Venue: Wadi Budi Building, IIUM
We cordially invite all CELPAD staff to join this meaningful programme on the stated date and time. We have 600 pax of bubur lambuk to share and distribute among the IIUM community (staff and students) after the Jumaat prayer.
Furthermore, we welcome all CELPAD staff and the IIUM community to contribute and participate in the programme.
For further details and inquiries, please contact Nur Fatehah (0148130767) or Roslimna Mohmmed Saad (0196553609).
Please find attached the poster of the Sulur Kasih Ramadan Programme.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Sulur Kasih Ramadan Programme
Divisyen Bahasa MelayuCenter for Language and Pre University Development (CELPAD)Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia