Dear CELPAD and CFS staff,
CELPAD TDU POTLEN cordially invites all staff to attend an online Training on TURNITIN: From Drafts to Submission.
The details of the programme are as follows:
- Date: 31st March 2023 (Friday)
- Time: 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
- Speaker: Dr Khairul Sufi, ELD, CELPAD
- Mode: Online
Teams: https://bit.ly/TURNITINTRAINING
i-Attend: https://iattend.iium.edu.my/participant/index/63kkiYUopk-1680151963
iAttend (iium.edu.my)
Please use your laptop for this online training.
For a hands-on activity, please download a complete essay from any of your previous semester students.
Ensure that you have access to Turnitin and can sign in before attending this training. Please refer to EDUCALL Coordinator/representative on this matter should you face any issues.
Thank you.
والسلام and best regards,
Norazah Md. Idrus
Coordinator of Training Development Unit & Observation Teaching & Learning (TDU & POTLEN)