Educational Goal


D.K., D.M.N., S.S.A.P., S.I.M.P., D.K.(Johor)., S.P.M.J., D.K.(Brunei), P.K.C., P.K.T., P.J.K.


I am delighted to write the foreword for the Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF) book that outlines essentially the future academic direction of IIUM. This is central to IIUM survival and growth. Over the years, the world has changed drastically in more than one way, not least due to the socio-political and technological advancement, and so have the functions of academic institutions globally. IIUM, as one of the academic institutions, must work earnestly towards addressing the changes to stay active and relevant as a responsible member of academia.

After more than 37 years in existence, IIUM finally embarks on a systematic effort to re-strategise and re-formulate the framework of its academic programmes and effectively, the IIUM outlook towards education. This, however, does not mean that SAF neglects the past, which has in many ways, deepen the notion of IIUM as the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue. This massive endeavour is a result of careful planning, reflecting the collective effort by all agencies within IIUM to ensure that all components in an academic framework are addressed and appropriately dealt with. It is a 360-degree effort that takes into account the views of students, academic, administrative and support staff as well as the present and past leaders of IIUM.



The publication of this Sejahtera Academic Framework book is both a statement and a re-affirmation of IIUM roles in the present world today from here onward. This volume is neither written based on the whims and fancies nor it is conceptualised for convenience reasons. It is a concise compilation of ideas which delineates clearly the information about IIUM ideals, the principles that guide the components of SAF, the explanation of the SAF and finally the elucidation of how the SAF can impact campus’ life through the Whole Institutional Transformation initiative. This initiative, started in 2018 and has proven to be beneficial in enhancing the raison d’etre of IIUM as a global player. This in turn has opened wider vistas in addressing the uncertainties of the future through the exercise of scenario planning.

I believe that the Sejahtera Academic Framework is crucial to keep IIUM abreast with the development in the present world and the demands of the future. In fact, IIUM should be spearheading the massive concerted effort to respond to the present coronavirus pandemic, a manifestation of IIUM motto, “Leading the Way”. This move is imperative to ensure that IIUM positions itself in the forefront of academia internationally and creates impact in the community as well as the world at large. I sincerely urge IIUM to embrace SAF as one of the ways to make positive changes in this world community in humanising education for Raḥmatan lil-ʿĀlamīn.

Congratulations to IIUM on the publication of Sejahtera Academic Framework and may SAF continue to be the guide for IIUM in aligning itself to realise a better world for many years to come.