Augmented Virtual Reality for Education

Augmented Virtual Reality for Education

Augmented Virtual Reality for Education

84 84 people viewed this event.

The Centre for Professional Development would like to invite all IIUM academic staff to enroll in training which will be held as follows:

Topic: Augmented Virtual Reality for Education
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Muhammad Helmi Norman
Date / Day: 23rd September 2024 / Monday
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Platform: Zoom (Online)
(A Zoom link will be provided to the registered participants)

Program Outcomes :

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the Fundamentals: Demonstrate a clear understanding of augmented and virtual reality technologies and their potential applications in educational settings.
  2. Evaluate Educational Applications: Assess various case studies and examples to determine how AR and VR can be effectively integrated into different educational environments to enhance learning outcomes.
  3. Design Engaging Learning Experiences: Develop strategies for creating interactive and immersive learning experiences using AR and VR tools that cater to diverse learning needs.
  4. Overcome Implementation Challenges: Identify common challenges associated with implementing AR and VR in education and propose solutions to address these obstacles.
  5. Promote Effective Adoption: Formulate a plan for the successful adoption and integration of AR and VR technologies in curricula, aligning them with educational goals and objectives.


Registration is already open and available in HURIS. Kindly remind your supervisor to RECOMMEND your application before the closing date.

Registration Closing Date:

18th September 2024 (Wednesday)
If you have been selected as a participant, you will receive a notification by email after the registration closing date.

*2 CTD points will be awarded to those who:

  1. Fill in i-Attend
  2. Recorded in Zoom for a certain duration of time
  3. Fill in the evaluation form within 24 hours

e-Learning Unit
Ground Floor, Residential and Services Department Building,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur
03-6421 5913/6232/6234/5912

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

23-Sep-2024 @ 10:00 AM to
23-Sep-2024 @ 12:00 PM

Registration End Date



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