Dear QLD Teachers,
EDUCALL/ IT Unit at CELPAD Gombak extends an invitation to all of you for a training session on ‘Arabic Transliteration.’
Arabic transliteration involves systematically representing written and spoken Arabic in the Latin script. Its applications include the transcription of names and titles, cataloging Arabic language works, and coexisting with the Arabic script for language education. The transliteration of Arabic is a requirement for preparing course outlines in CELPAD, as per the request of the KCA.
Recognizing the importance of this skill, EDUCALL/ IT is organizing this training, and you can choose from two available slots:
Slot 1: Wednesday (10 Jan 2024), 2 pm-3:30 pm
Slot 2: Friday (12 Jan 2024), 10 am-11:30 am
Venue: al-Khalil Conference Room (Face to face)
Attendance is compulsory for Course Coordinators and CUDMAMPU team members. Others are warmly welcome to join. Please click this link to register your name and select your preferred slot latest by Tuesday, 9th January 2024, 1 pm: https://forms.office.com/r/TDLUv44qz2
*Participants who fill in i-Attend will receive 2 CTD points.
Looking forward to your participation. Syukran & Wassalam.
Warm regards:
Raja Munirah Raja Sulaiman
Coordinator Educall/ IT unit,
Quranic Language Division,