The Centre for Islamic Economics (CIE), IIUM, invites KENMS academics to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in Islamic Economics by submitting book proposals. This initiative seeks to promote scholarly works that align with the principles of Maqasid Shariah and Tayyib, fostering sustainable socio-economic development.
Books or edited volumes that address contemporary issues and innovative approaches in Islamic Economics are highly encouraged.
In the Malaysia Budget 2024 Speech delivered on 13th October 2023 by YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, an amount of RM20 million has been allocated to stimulate research, creativity and innovation in the Islamic economy.
“To delve deeper into the universal values of the Islamic economy and its experience in the current context, the Government is providing RM20 million to spur research as well as creativity and innovation in Islamic economy. This effort will be led by the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in collaboration with MIFC and the industry.”
As part of the promotion of IIUM mission of Islamization of Knowledge (IoK) and as part of the activities commissioned by IIIT to promote Islamic Economics education in South East Asia, the Centre for Islamic Economics (CIE), Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) intends to organise Islamic Economics Training Camp (IETC 2023) which will be held from 22 to 24 August in Acheh, Indonesia. CIE has conducted the first IETC in 2019, held at IIUM campus. The followings are highlights from the previous IETC.