Assalamualaikum & Greetings to all,
EDUCALL/IT unit would like to invite all CELPADians to join our second series of training on Microsoft Excel. In this phase, the trainer will introduce the basic Excel formulas, providing a swiftmeans to perform addition, substraction, multiplication, and division of values…etc. The participants will also learn the effective use of filtering tools to extractspecific information, leaving out extraneous data from view.
The details of this training are:
Topic: Microsoft Excel – for Beginner Plus
Trainer: Sr. Nor Afifah Abdul Halim, ELD, CFS Gambang.
Date / Day: 6th October 2023
Time: 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Platform: MS Teams (Online): https://rb.gy/xt1pm
*2 CTD points will be given to participants who fill in i-Attend
See you on 6th October, syukran & wassalam