About Us
Department of Islamic Revealed Knowledge was established in early 2015 after the separation from Department of Human Sciences which used to be known as Department of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (IRKHS). It is now one of the academic departments at the Centre for Foundation Studies IIUM Gambang campus, with over 25 full-time academic staff.
Programmes Offered
Foundation in Islamic Revealed Knowledge
Courses Offered
Understanding Islam 1 (RKFF 0413)
Understanding Islam 2 (RKFF 0423)
Madkhal ilā al-ʿAqīdah al-Islāmiyyah (RKFF 0414)
Madkhal ilā al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah (RKFF 0424)
Madkhal ilā al-Fiqh wa Uṣūlihi (RKFF 0434)
Madkhal ilā Maʿārif al-Waḥy wa al-Turāth al-Islāmī (AISF 0434)