iViva system is an online system to offer seamless functions to handle student thesis and dissertation. It was fully developed in-house through a collaborative effort by CPS and ITD.
iViva system is supposed to complement iMonitor system that is used to monitor the progress of student research works. iViva system on the other hand helps student to manage their theses and dissertations submission online.
The system is student-centric but also requires Users with different roles to help complete the functions and processes as to comment, recommend and approve different data and documents.
iViva system features multiple functions parked under different modules which is responsible for different processes as detailed as follows:
- Thesis/dissertation Intent submission : The function is mandatory for student to start the whole process. It should be initiated by the student to notify the supervisor(s) about their intentions to submit the thesis for examination within 6 months in prior.
- Abstract submission : The function is activated once the intent form has been submitted and served the student to upload their research abstract for supervisor approval.
- Examiner nomination : The function is meant to help supervisor to send invitations to the prospective examiners for nomination purpose and to monitor their acceptance status. It also contains feature to propose new external examiners to be registered in the External Examiner Database.
- Examiner selection : The function is to help KPGC to identify and arrange the final list of examiners from the nomination list for approval purpose.
- Completed document checklist : The function is to help student to upload all the required documents to support the thesis submission for example the Turnitin report and publications. The submission will be verified by the administrator in term of format and requirements.
- Examiner appointment : The function is activated when both the examiner list and the required documents is approved by the DDPG. A letter of appointment will be generated and sent together with other document to the examiners for thesis evaluation process.
- Thesis/dissertation tracking : The function is to keep track of the thesis/dissertation evaluation to ensure the report of evaluation is returned on time. Automatic notification will be sent to the examiner as reminder to complete the evaluation and return the documents.
- Viva examination/PTEM handling : The function is to set details of the examination/meeting to examine and deliberate the result of the research work. Other decision will also be recorded using this function including the determination of correction periods and post-viva supervisor appointments.
- Post-viva thesis/dissertation submission : The function is for the student to submit the final version of the thesis for approval. It also contains feature for the student to request for additional time to submit in case.
- Copyright/Open access declaration : The function is for the student to declare the type of copyright and term to access the thesis once submitted to library system.
- Final submission to student repository system : The approval by the Dean of the final thesis will trigger this function to alert the library to pull the thesis and other data from iViva system into student repository system.
The Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS) will be organizing Training on iVIVA System (The Roles of Supervisors) for Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM).
The details of the programme are as follows:
Date / Day: 7 March 2023 (Tuesday)
Time : 2.30pm and 4.30pm
Platform : Physical (for KLM staff) and Online (for IIUM Community)
KLM Main Meeting Room, Block B1, Level 1, KLM, IIUM Pagoh
Meeting ID: 998 6855 9821
Passcode: 580630
Your attendance and participation is highly appreciated.
Thank you, Wasalam.
- Recorded e-training on i-Viva for academic staff : Youtube link
- Training on iVIVA System (The Roles of Supervisors) for Kulliyyah of Languages and Management (KLM) : Youtube link