IIUM World Debate And Oratory Centre (IWON) has managed to provide trainings and consultation sessions for our fellow representatives for the recently held Pidato Kebangsaan Bahasa Melayu Piala Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi 2023 specifically for the International Students Category. This category allows participation from foreign students to compete and showcase their mastery of Malay Language in a form of a formal, organized and structured speech which cover various topics and multitude of perspectives towards an academic and intellect discussions.

IWON served important role towards preparing our representatives from different nationality and cultural background by constantly checking, consulting and advising them to appear confident, committed and passionate while delivering their speech. Fortunately, our foreign students have the capabilities to catch up quickly to the teachings and guidance provided. They have the privileges of being trained directly by our respectable director; Dr Mazlena Bt Mohd Hussain, lecturer from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah Of Laws (AiKOL).

Our representatives include Br AbulGhasim (Sudan) from Kulliyah of Engineering (KOE), Br Res Slamy (Cambodia) from Kulliyah of Economics and Management Sciences and Sr Shahd (Mauritius) from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Laws (AiKOL) have each displayed a consistent and responsible acts to attend each trainings conducted without miss to better prepare them before the actual competition takes place. They had the chances to perform in front of the judging committees during the preliminary rounds which have been conducted online during which they had assembled and utilised the newly organised IWON Studio as official operating venue.

We are grateful as both Br AbulGhasim and Sr Shahd are qualified to advance to the next round following their explicit performance and commitments. Br Res Slamy on the other hand, despite managing to showcase an equal outstanding performance are sadly not going to advance further due to quota provided to each campuses for the competition is limited to 2 representatives only.

IWON wishes the best of luck for all our foreign students on their next adventure and we surely hope this experience serves them the best of all and benefits them in the future inshaAllah.

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