IIUM World Debate & Oratory Centre (IWON) formerly known as Speech & Interpersonal Communication Enhancement Department (SPICE) started its operation formally in 1996 as a small unit under STADD. Prior to that, debating activities were managed by only two (2) clubs; English Debating Club (EDC) and Kelab Debat dan Pengucapan Awam Bahasa Melayu (KDBM). Since its inception, IIUM gained its reputation as a debate powerhouse both at national and international level. Over the years, by excelling in these areas locally and internationally, IIUM has created a brand name for itself in debate and public speaking with IWON championing the cause of students’ development in these areas. As of today, there are six (6) clubs under IWON; EDC, KDBM, Arabic Debating and Public Speaking Club (ADC), Toastmaster Club, Model United Nations (MUN) and Model Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).