IIUM Takrim Day, formally known as Quality Day, is an annual event honouring the remarkable achievement of the University community. This annual event recognises and honours the academic staff based on their contribution in teaching, the discovery of knowledge, scientific and creative publication and transferring/expansion of knowledge.
During the event, Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity(SC4SH) has opened a booth with Community to Community theme for 2 days to exhibit everything related to the office. There are various infographics from various units such as Education Sustainable Development, RCE, Community Engagement and more. There is one area of the booth opened for A Charitable Giveaway where people can give donation and giveaway to other community who in need. There are few games and small gifts in the booth to attract the crowds.

Apart from that, Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity had received 3 awards;
1) Best Booth(Non-Kuliyyah)
2) Education for Sustainable Development Practitioner
3) Community & Industrial Partner Award