Orang Asli Handicrafts
Orang Asli handicrafts are very difficult to come by as one has to travel deep into the dense of jungles to their villages to get them, It is our hope that through the arts and appreciation series, we can preserve the arts and culture of the orang asli while improving their livelihood. There is a rich diversity of cultural heritage in Gombak especially that of the orang asli (aborigines) communities. The communities too have a variety of handicrafts especially involving woodcrafts, rattancrafts, weaving of coconut leaves etc.
Educational Visit by Le Waris University Malaysia Kelantan
CiTRA would be having the educational visit by students from Kelab Kebudayaan Lestari Warisan (Le Waris), University Malaysia Kelantan. The purpose of the visit is to share and exchange views and experience between students from IIUM and University Malaysia Kelantan on gamelan music and management of gamelan club. It is hope that the educational visit would foster good relation among IIUM students and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan’s students.

CiTRA Recital 13.0
Date : 27 April 2019
Riang Ria Aidilfitri
Date : 25 June 2019
Venue : Halaman CiTRA, ICC

Workshop on Malay Sha'ir & Islamic Culture with Roslan Madun
CiTRA-IIUM will conduct a One-day workshop on the Malay Sha’ir & Islamic Culture on 29 June 2019 at Seminar Room 2 & 3, ICC. The purpose of this workshop is to expose IIUM students in general to the Malay Sha’ir and its origin. We also want to introduce the Malay Sha’ir to IIUM International students and to create understanding among the IIUM community on Islam and culture as a whole.
The workshop is free entrance and participation is limited. Kindly RSVP your attendance to citra@iium.edu.my or call 03 6196 6733/36 before 25th June 2019.
Pertandingan Deklamasi Puisi Merdeka
In conjunction with the upcoming 62nd Independence Day, CiTRA-IIUM will conduct an event; Pertandingan Deklamasi Puisi Merdeka on 23rd August 2019 at Experimental Hall, IIUM.

Tazkirah' 2.0 - 'Pengertian Kemerdekaan dalam Islam
CiTRA-IIUM is conducting a monthly tazkirah to cater for the spiritual needs of the staff. The second session will be held on 29th August 2019 (Thursday). The topic will be disscussing on ‘Pengertian Kemerdekaan dalam Islam’.
Exhibition on The Collection of Professor Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with IIUM Central Library (Darul Hikmah) will be organizing an Exhibition on The Collection of Professor Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh.
The details are as follows:
Date : 23rd September – 31st October 2019
Venue : Dar Al-Hikmah Library, IIUM Gombak Campus

Academic Lecture by National Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh - "Malay Literature and Islam"
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with IIUM Central Library (Darul Hikmah) and Management Services Division (MSD) will be organizing an event; Academic Lecture by National Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh – “Malay Literature and Islam”.
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 24th September 2019 / Tuesday
Time : 10:00 am
Venue : Auditorium, Dar Al-Hikmah Library, IIUM Gombak Campus
Arts Appreciation Series - Sani Sudin "Masihkah Kau Ingat"
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with CiTRA-IIUM Acoustic Band will be organizing an event; Arts Appreciation Series – Sani Sudin “Masihkah Kau Ingat” (National Artist).
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 27th September 2019 / Friday
Time : 3:00 pm
Venue : Seminar Room 2 & 3, ICC

Launching of National Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh Exhibition
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with IIUM Central Library (Darul Hikmah) will be organizing an event; Launching of National Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh Exhibition.
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 1st October 2019 / Tuesday
Time : 10:00 am
Venue : Dar Al-Hikmah Library, IIUM Gombak Campus
Workshop on Khat by Br. Ziyad (Syria)
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with CiTRA-IIUM Art Club will be organizing an event; Workshop on Khat by Br. Ziyad (Syria).
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 11th & 12th October 2019 / Friday & Saturday
Time : 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Venue : Seminar Room, ICC, IIUM

Batik Canting Aziz Ma'as
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with IIUM Central Library (Darul Hikmah) will be organizing an event; Launching of National Laureate Muhammad Haji Salleh Exhibition.
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 1st October 2019 / Tuesday
Time : 10:00 am
Venue : Dar Al-Hikmah Library, IIUM Gombak Campus
Malay Literature Forum "Masa Depan Sastera Kebangsaan di Malaysia
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with IIUM Dar Al-Hikmah Library will be organizing a Malay Literature Forum “Masa Depan Sastera Kebangsaan di Malaysia“.
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 23rd October 2019 / Wednesday
Time : 10:00 am
Venue : Senate Hall, Level 5, Muhamad Abdul-Rauf Buiding

Arts Appreciation Series Workshop on Pantun and Shair by Roslan Madun
CiTRA-IIUM in collaboration with CiTRA-IIUM Malay Language and Literature Club (MALLIC) will be organizing an event; Arts Appreciation Series Workshop on Pantun and Shair by Roslan Madun.
The details are as follows:
Date / Day : 25th October 2019 / Friday
Time : 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Venue : Seminar Room 2 & 3, ICC
CiTRA Street Jamming
CiTRA-IIUM will be organizing a Street Jamming that will be performed by our students.
The details are as follows:
Time : 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Venue : River Side